Written by: P. V. Ananthalakshmi Principal, Helikx Open School
What is a skill?
The ability, coming from one’s knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something well.
What is a life skill?
Life skills are as defined by the UNISEF is ` A behaviour change or behaviour development approach designed to address a balance of three areas knowledge ,attitude and skills.
Life skills are as follows
1. Self-Awareness includes recognition of self of our character, strengths and weaknesses, desires and likes .It is also pre requisite to effective communication and interpersonal relations.
2. Critical Thinking is the ability to explore information and experience s in an objective manner.
3. Problem Solving is to deal constructively with problems in our lives.
4. Creative Thinking is the ability to contribute both decision making ,problem solving by solving by exploring the alternatives and various consequences of our action and non action.
5. Decision Making is to deal constructively with decisions about our lives.
6. Interpersonal Skills help us to relate in positive ways with the people we interact with.
7. Effective Communication means that we are able to express both verbally and nonverbally in ways that are appropriate to our cultures and situations.
8. Empathy is the ability to understand and accept others ,who may be different from ourselves, which improves social interaction.
9. Managing feelings and emotions includes skills for increasing internal locus of control for managing anger and stress.
10. Coping with stress means that we take actions to reduce the source of stress ,for example by making changes to our physical environment or life style.
Life Skills Education results in bridging up communication barriers with parents and other adults. It enables young people to handle stressful situations effectively without losing one’s temper or becoming moody, learning to disagree politely with use of appropriate “I” messages, and assertive skills are important for development of self esteem, positive attitudes, making a firm stand on values, beliefs and cultural differences. When an individual learns all the basic skills to cope with challenges individuals will feel more confident, motivated, and develop a positive attitude towards life, thus, make more mature and adult like decision, starts taking responsibilities for their actions and in turn refrain from risk taking and risky behaviours and become more useful people for the next generation.