Written By: Alen Kuriakose, Trainer HSSW.

Today’s world gives less importance to outdoor education. We are busy creating citizens who are “techies” whom are devoted only to technology. They spent more time with computers than the world around. To realize the link of man with nature schools provide outdoor education especially field trips. Not only is the great outdoors a good place to create an adventure and explore what Mother
Nature and the natural wonders of the Earth have to offer us, but an outdoor education also offers many other additional benefits to today’s youth.It promotes active learning.It encourages intellectual, physical, and social development.It helps to build their self-esteem and self-confidence. It provides an opportunity to learn about other cultures. It helps to develop a relationship with the environment. Etc.
Benefits are many, psychological as well as sociological. And the time to realize why we need to look around is crucial.

Better Health
A learner’s achievement purposefully depend upon good health. Anecdotally we all know getting up and moving around outside is not only good for kids but necessary for their health. According to studies, “As young people spend less of their lives in natural surroundings, their senses narrow, physiologically and psychologically, and we deny them access
to a fundamental part of their humanity.” Too much indoor stimulation can lead to attention-deficit disorder, anxiety, depression, and yes, obesity.

Increased Motivation Kids show enhanced enthusiasm when they are let to the environment and taught from the environment. They experience learning and imbibe more. This feeling can create a positive attitude towards learning.
Decreased Stress Levels We find high levels of stress in students
these days. Sticking to text books make them much more stressed. Teaching a biology lesson outdoor is much more relieving than from textbooks. Understanding the growth of a plant and it different levels by monitoring it every day is a significant task that can be given. Likewise each subject can be taught from outdoor experiences. Pleasure giving experiences decreases stress levels.
Better Behaviour Not only are kids’ environmental behaviors improved by learning outside the classroom, but their ability to behave in an educational setting is improved as well. Social adjustment, self-concept, and group cohesion all these drawbacks that result in poor classroom behavior are improved through outdoor education. Even handling misbehavior becomes easier for teachers when the education is out of the traditional classroom. Many students confirm that troublemakers in classroom become leaders in outdoor studies.
Improved Communication Skills Schools employ outdoor learning mostly to enhance speaking skills of students. Outdoor education achieves the gains in communication by requiring students to work as teams to solve problems on expeditions. Students have to lead discussions, contribute their ideas by making their voices heard, give each other feedback, and resolve conflicts. It is evident that all these can be done in classroom setting too, but the impact is more.
It Builds Community We always find children stuck to a specific friendship group all through their educational activities. But engaging in outdoor education force the students to mingle up.From the homeroom groups traveling together on the bus, to the groups sharing cabins, to the field study groups that rotate through activities, students live and work in teams that they wouldn’t form on their own. They identify that there is much more goodness outside their own group.
It Builds Culture
Cultures share a common language, values, purpose, and connection to place as a fundamental expression of who they are. All of these things develop for a group of students in just some days of mingling up. A new culture is developed with the amalgamation of each ones. Each one tends to respect other’s culture too. Campfire time is crucial event in trips which shares individual experiences. Tasting different food, understanding different lifestyle etc. tend to promote ones understanding and sense of culture. A willingness to challenge oneself physically and emotionally are integral components of outdoor programs, because pushing oneself this way can enhance self-reliance, confidence, self-esteem, and communication skills.