Written by: Alen Kalayil, Trainer HSSW
Every year as a teacher I experience the same problem over and over again. You may be wondering, what is that troublesome problem. Definitely it is a large sized class. It is a happy news that more children come into a school, but as a teacher managing a large sized class is
always a tedious task. But teaching is a joyful experience even if it a large class and good teachers can do wonders with the students.
If you have found yourself with large class size or you are new teacher stiil grasping the often overwhelming experience, you can pick up some of the steps that I have taken up with my large sized class.
1. Always Engage in Collaborative Grouping
A large class means you cannot get into each of the students. Students need opportunities to check in with each other around their learning, ask questions, guide each other and reflect together. If a tight classroom does not allow triad or quad grouping, use two students in close proximity. In large classes students do get a less air-time to speak or to listen. Make sure that they listen to you by asking questions and let they turn-talk even for some seconds. Much can be discovered, wondered about and solidified in that few seconds.
2. Understand That Teaching Time Take Longer
The teacher should understand that a unit’s learning objectives may take a twice time in order to get finish when compared to a smaller class. You will be lamenting over the fact that you don’t even get time to assess the child’s understanding over the subject that you have taught in a particular class because of managing the huge class.
A remedy can put in, when it comes to checking for understanding. Strategies like thumbs up or thumbs down or having hold 1 to 3 fingers on their chest to let know how well they understood. (3 means, I have got it). You can also ask one strategic question about the days learning to ensure understanding.
3. Find New Ways to Know Students
The relationship with a student and teacher usually suffer due to large class size. Consider some surveys once or twice a week where they tend to answer questions about the teacher as well as their classmates. Invite students to write open letters to you about their learning, challenges, interests and personal matters.
You can also rotate your focus on 5 to 6 students ever week, and rotate your focus on the next group. Make sure that you check up regularly with your weak as well as proficient student in order to handle with their learning experience in classroom.
4. Just be Loud in the Class
Loud doesn’t mean to shout up in a class. Loud means to ensure that every student is following your command. When an outsider peep into your class they must not feel that students are not hooked up with the teacher. But they should see a group of enthusiastic students fully engaged in studies and group work.
Stop filling in things to them or feeding them. Assign students with task and when they do tasks you will get enough time to check in with a student who has been absent a lot or backward in studies. Add a step to assignment for an advanced student. Crack in jokes to entertain the silent ones. Make sure you are their with everyone without your physical proximity.
So, what do you think? Will these steps provide you with enough source to engage a large class? Definitely, it's going to help you. An effective teacher is one who keeps with the pace of each student even if it’s a large class. Group them! Engage them! Encourage them! Let this be your motto.