Written by: Alen Kuriakose, Trainer HSSW
Think of a day in your office, where without employing language at all. Without speaking, reading, writing..it feel like meditating in your office. Yes, it’s a fact that we live in age of artificial intelligence where human can be replaced by technology. Unless technology can act as a social species, human communication skills are going to play a vital role in organisations. Failing to invest in human capital will be a fatal error for organisations.
Language is only a thread line in soft skills. Soft skills are the personal character traits or qualities each of us has. They make up who we are, generally encompassing our attitudes, habits and how we interact with other people. A person’s posture, gestures, beliefs, emotions etc all comes vital in an organisation’s, because it builds the trust, teamwork, leadership and professional growth.
Human communication is essentially interactional. Poor internal communication will hinder growth or create problems in your organisation.. It acts like virus which kills the organisation within. We identifies the problem as lack of leadership, poor team cohesion. But these are symptoms not the disease.
In knowledge economy we live, most of the people have same knowledge base.What differs is the way your employee use and utilise his skills and knowledge. Furthermore, most of work done depends on how well your employee can network with other, how well you can get the work done from others.
In the corporate world, or even in personal life, the people who cannot gel well with others often lag behind others.A critical question to ponder over — Is it possible to enhance and improve soft skills in a few hours or days of training?
This is an important question considering the traits discussed are something that a person has lived with all his life.
Maybe. Maybe not.
Soft skills come as important in our daily life, whether it is in dealing with a grocer, a service provider or a client. Having agreed on this fact, it becomes obvious that we need to learn them if you don’t have them, or better still, hone them to get the maximum out of them.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a Soft Skills Training module in our curriculum.We give more importance to technical skills. Companies in India will definitely have to invest more in skill training and development. It’s a need to equips their employees with the means and capacity to improve their job skills in pace with technological changes.
The victory depends on the efforts you put in the practice, how often you practice them and how you can incorporate the feedback on your skills.
Reference: www.rediff.com/getahead/report